Under The Same Roof

Type: Competition Entry Program: Local Community House |  Size: 250 m2 |  Location: Langeland, Denmark |  Year: 2024  

Inspired by the historical context and existing local community, our proposal for Lindelse Mill reinterprets the local building tradition and its use of natural materials. Both functionally and symbolically, the design highlights the unity around the mill - working thoughtfully with both social and historical connectedness. 

With the intention to maintain and preserve the existing ruin and its poetic character, a new timber structure and overhanging roof is placed as an ‘envelope of care’. Bricks from the site is recycled in a central mass oven and the traditional use of straw is reinterpreted as straw insulation in the walls. A circular skylight in the main space create a visual connection to the old mill - while simultaneously symbolising the local engagement and community of the site. 


House of Creativity


Atrium House